Step-by-Step Procedure of Porcelain Veneers

· Dental Procedures

Porcelain veneers are tooth-shaped,tooth-colored thin sheets of porcelain that are bonded to the front of yourteeth. They essentially replace the enamel on your teeth, thereby changing the appearance of your teeth. If you're not satisfied with the shape, shade, color, size, or overall appearance of your teeth, you can get dental veneers from the best dental clinic in dubai to achieve that perfect Hollywood smile. It should be noted that dental veneers hide your existing aesthetic problems; they do not address the root cause of their problems. Porcelain veneers are therefore only suitable for cosmetic dentist in dubai

The entire porcelain veneer process is usually divided into two sessions. The first session of veneers includes a consultation;Take impressions and prepare the veneers, and in the second veneering session, the veneers will be bonded to your teeth. Porcelain veneers are usually placed after some of the tooth enamel has been removed, so the procedure is irreversible. Once you get porcelain veneers, you will still need porcelain veneers. However, each veneer lasts up to 15 years, so you should replace it every 10 to 15 years. 

If you are getting veneers in Miami, Florida,you may have questions about the dental veneers procedure. Below is a step bystep guide to dental veneers in dubai

Step 1:   Initial Consultation

During your firstconsultation, the cosmetic dentist will carefully examine your teeth, discussyour goals, and determine if you are a good candidate for dental veneers. You can only get veneers if you are in optimal oral health with no active cavities or gum disease. The dentist will also discuss your cosmetic dentistry options and help you choose the ideal shape, size, and color of dental veneers. The cosmetic dentist will help you choose the ideal dental veneers based on your goals and facial anatomy.

Step 2:   Veneer Preparation

Your dentist removessome of the enamel from the surface of your teeth. The dentist shaves theenamel to the same depth as the placed veneers, making sure the thickness of your teeth stays the same. This step can be done under local anesthesia, but even without anesthesia there is no risk of pain because the enamel does not contain nerve endings. Some types of dental veneers require minimal (or no) veneer preparation; your dentist will discuss the feasibility of these options for you.

Step 3:   Impression Taking

After preparing yourteeth for veneers, your dentist will use a shade guide to note the shade ofyour existing teeth. If you only get veneers for one or a few teeth, the dentist will match the colors of the veneers to the surrounding teeth. However, if you get a full set of veneers for all of your visible teeth, your dentist will help you choose the perfect shade for a brilliant smile. The dentist will also use a dental impression to take impressions of the teeth and bite, which will be sent to the dental laboratory.

Step 4:   Temporary Veneers

After taking animpression of your teeth, the dentist sends the dental mold to the dentallaboratory. It can take 1-2 weeks for the lab to produce the final dental veneers. If the dentist has removed a lot of enamel from your teeth, he or she may recommend temporary veneers to minimize the risk of sensitivity. If necessary, the dentist will place temporary veneers on your teeth until you receive the permanent veneers.

Step 5:   Tooth Bonding

Once the permanentveneers are prepared, the dentist will place them on your teeth to ensure theyare the perfect shape. In some cases, the dentist can adjust the shape and size of the veneers. Your teeth will be polished and etched, after which you will receive the permanent porcelain veneers, the veneers are fixed with dental cement. The dentist will make some final adjustments to the veneers to ensure the best cosmetic appearance. The process should be completed within an hour.